NFLPA email that was sent to players about random drug testing

You never know who is reading this thread on Reddit, but this might help someone..

How do you pass a drug test?

1) Stop smoking ASAP, 1-2 weeks may be enough to pass the drug test.

2) Eat healthy, work out, drink plenty of water. Also, do NOT work out on the day of your drug test.

3) You can either pickup Sure-Jell or XXTRA CLEAN and use it on the day of your drug test.

4) On the day of your drug test, eat breakfast with whole wheat bread along with vitamin B12. This will help make your urine look normal or you will be pissing crystal clear water.

5) This method will ONLY MASK your urine, this does not mean that THC is out of your system. You are simply cheating the drug test. You can either drink the sure gel with Detoxify or the detoxify drink, which can be bought online or local smoke shops. You must drink the sure-gel or Detoxify exactly 3 hours before the drug test. You will have about 30-40 minutes, after that the your urine will unmask itself, and you will fail the drug test.

This will help you pass the drug test the legit way, which is performed in a toxicology lab. Your creatine and temperature will be completely normal because you aren't using fake piss or anything.

/r/nfl Thread Link -