Why is no one in America fighting for a good Health system?

People are, but there are a lot of different ideas on what a "good health system" would look like.

A lot of people like the single-payer model (the UK has a form of single-payer healthcare). In the U.S. we call this Medicare for All (M4A). I find the German model interesting and think that it would be more readily adapted to the U.S.

Part of the problem is, when people who support M4A hear that I and others support universal coverage that isn't M4A, they see us as opponents. In their mind M4A (often Bernie's bill specifically) is the only option, and anyone who opposes M4A opposes universal coverage and wants people to die. That is not true, we want universal coverage, we just see a different way of getting there.

Realistically, any effort is likely not going to succeed because I don't anticipate Dems supporting any bill that does not provide comprehensive coverage for abortion, birth control, and fertility services. At the same time, Republicans likely won't support any bill that provides any government funds for abortion, birth control, and fertility services, that's if they support any universal health care bill at all. That means rather than getting universal healthcare that covers everything else, we may get nothing.

Politicians and political organizers know this and are not willing to spend a lot of energy and resources on something that has a near-zero chance of becoming law.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread