Noam Chomsky: Neoliberalism Is Destroying Our Democracy

Are there people who think this view is bad?

The standard argument against the neoliberal approach to economic policy is that statistics and evidence can be cherry-picked and misrepresented or misinterpreted.

We have a deep, insatiable lust for free market capitalism, so we catch heat from some on the left. We also believe in open, unrestricted trade, and that industry regulations are a vital tool to constrain the impulses of capitalism, so we catch heat from some on the right.

Neoliberalism is most comfortable directly in the center of the ideological spectrum, as we believe that both right and left have good ideas and are not mutually-exclusive. Of course, this invites derision from both ends of the spectrum.

Seems incredibly sensible. Am I missing something?

That paragraph sums it up pretty well. Neoliberalism is primarily an ideology focused on economics, only moving into cultural territory where social issues and economics intersect. In that case, there's a tendency to lean left.

Sworn enemies of neoliberals are populists, reactionaries of all types, nationalists and socialists.

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