Is it normal for killer queue to take 10-15 minutes?

Killer queues are longer because a lot of survivors hate how the changes affected the game.

As someone with 9k hours split about even between survivor and killer, I think they should've implemented changes gradually instead of what they did. They gave killers too much power at once with the base changes, perk buffs and survivor nerfs.

As a solo queue only survivor, comparing my last 300 games before and my first 300 games after the patch, my escape rate went from 90% to 60%. In 65% of my losses, a survivor gives up and we have to play 3v1. This really wasnt a thing before. It was so rare to get a DC/give up on my team that I wasn't even tracking it. I only started after the patch. Camping and tunneling have also significantly increased.

Meanwhile swf players are still easily able to bully killers but solo queue really did eat shit.

I assume most people have been having similar experiences which is why they play killer instead.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread