North Dakota, highest per capita COVID state, Redirects COVID Funds to Oil & Gas Producers

What your wrote is just a bunch of rewriting of what they said in an attempt to make it sound better that they stole money from covid funds IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC to give to the oil and gas industry. I used to be the VP of an oil and gas consulting company and am now an RN with covid patients here in ND. The ND Bakken died because oil prices plummeted. It's not coming back unless prices go up SIGNIFICANTLY. All this "reallocation" did is take money from where it's really needed and subsidize an industry that isn't doing well anywhere, because prices are terrible. Giving the oil companies this tiny boost was like dropping pennies into the Grand Canyon. It didn't change anything, except fuck over the covid patients and those of us that are helping them. So basically ND just pissed the money away. Good job, ND.

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