This is not meant to be a brag, I'm genuinely curious

Okay I'm not from this sub and through a rabbit hole I stumbled on this post.

This is how I floated through high school. I never had to apply myself and only slightly listened in class, and I was able to get As and Bs easy. I thought I could continue this as I got into college, but I was wrong. I struggled through college and ultimately ended up dropping out. Now everyone is different so you could do the same things as me and have zero problems with college and everything is great, but I'm still going to leave you with the lesson I learned from all this:

While I was able to pass classes in high school without trying, the point of high school isn't just to pass, it is also there to teach your how to be a good student. What had happened was I had picked up a lot of bad habits as a student in high school that did not translate very well into college.

I'm not trying to to tell you what to do, or tell you if you don't listen to this you will fail out of college, I'm just genuinely trying to pass on what I learned.

College takes a lot of planning and coordination, so if you're not a strong organizer you can struggle through college. Use your time now in high school to develop good studying habits, and practice your organization methods now while it's easier and you have the time.

However this does not mean the same will happen to you. Just after what happened to me I feel compelled to at least share my experience in hopes that people will not make the same mistakes I did. Good luck!

/r/teenagers Thread