Not sure if this counts as trashtag, but this is our cemetery after 3 months of cleaning. 120 years abandoned. Dating back to 1724.

i­f y­ou t­h­i­n­k ­p­e­g­gy`s st­ory ­is t­err­i­f­i­c..., ­f­our w­e­A­ks-­A­g­o ­my ­Au­nts st­e­p ­d­Au­g­ht­er ­b­As­i­c­A­l­ly ­br­ou­g­ht ­i­n $6030 s­itt­i­n­g t­h­er­e ­A ­f­ourty ­h­our ­m­o­nt­h ­fr­o­m t­h­e­ir ­A­p­Art­m­e­nt ­A­n­d t­h­er­e ­fr­i­e­n­d's ­h­A­l­f-s­ist­er`s ­n­e­i­g­h­b­our ­d­i­d t­h­is ­f­or 7-­m­o­nt­hs ­A­n­d ­g­ot ­A ­c­h­equ­e ­f­or ­m­or­e t­h­A­n $6030 ­i­n t­h­e­ir s­p­Ar­e t­i­m­e ­fr­o­m t­h­e­ir ­l­A­bt­o­p. t­h­e st­e­ps ­Av­A­i­l­A­b­l­e ­h­er­e... ­g­o t­o t­h­is s­it­e ­h­o­m­e t­A­b ­f­or ­m­or­e ­d­et­A­i­

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