Not a video, but the FineBros have cancelled all plans of copyrighting

I would also like to point out that the same people who spent years harassing everyone from small time creators to big names like Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel, and Buzzfeed, and who spent years and thousands in legal fees to trademark existing internet trends like "try not to laugh or smile" and "react" are not, overnight, different people. Their thought processes have not changed, watch their video and read the tone of this letter, they are angry at you for being confused not because they actually think they are wrong.

Up to this point in your post, I was mostly with you. Though, you state things with a bit of a dramatic air, but well, its mostly true. Harassing small time creators is a bit of a stretch, wasn't it less than 10 videos that got pulled? Regardless, you're probably right, and people don't change over night.

I think they fucked up, fucked up bad, and now they get to learn from their mistakes.

The only reason they are giving up these trademarks is because their upcoming Youtube TV show "Sing It" is going to be released in a couple of months and they want to do anything possible to save its release from the bad publicity

But now you lost me. Do you have some sort of personal vendetta with the Fine Brothers? Not everything is a conspiracy bud.

The Fine Brothers fucked up. They tried to expand and trademark shit they couldn't trademark, wanted to make more $$ etc. etc. And they caved.

Stop trying to keep the witchhunt going. They are going to suffer for a while and will be forced to learn from their mistakes, but that is it.

They will learn, and move on from it.

I don't think we should forget this, especially if any other youtuber tries to pull this shady shit. But, they are giving up these trademarks because they realize how badly people view their actions, not because of some future show months from now.

I'm all for remembering this, but can you just stop with the constant conspiracy shit. I believe they will change for the better from this, now that we have set a precedent that shit like they tried to pull is unacceptable.

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