NYT telling us some people are predisposed to be fat

How exactly can you base a generalization for the population on contestants from the biggest loser? Did they even take into account the fact that the people on that show work out for literally hours every day? Of course they regain weight, that level of activity is not sustainable. On top of that, it's likely that they never ended up dealing with the real issues they had with food. The show is just another reality show that pushes people to do ridiculous things for ratings. Just read some of the stuff that is out there from past contestants - and that's just the stuff they feel comfortable enough telling (I'm sure there's far more because they sign non-disclosure agreements to be on the show).

There are a number of articles I have read that feel that starvation mode and set point theory are a bunch of crap. I tend to side with those - it is largely a matter of math. Honestly, a lot of this set point stuff feels more like people just want an excuse for why they can't lose weight. That's the way a lot of the fat acceptance move feels to me too (Not all, but a lot of it).

So I guess yes, it annoys me too.

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