Obama approval hits new high

From the musical, POTUS.

A DRUM ROLL... The band breaks into a funked-up, sexy version of “Hail To The Chief”. SERGEANT AT ARMS Ladies and gentleman, The President of the United States, and First Lady, Michelle Obama. Now the band starts a JAMES BROWN/FUNK/RAP MASH UP. OBAMA Hail to the chief, I’m the coolest in town, I’m-a black-o-matic, democratic, brother in brown. I’m an eagle o’gold, on the executive branch, and I’m grinnin-cause-I’m-winnin’ cuz’I gave hope a chance. Girl!? MICHELLE He the baddest of the ballers, but he don’t need to talk, an’ yo we’ll leave it to historians to honor Barrack. He be the presidential precedent, for power and swag, you know his monumental prospects?... Bo’ they be in the bag! B.O! OBAMA JFK LBJ, you know I’ made in their image, and babe, I know that you be checkin’ my executive privilege. Obama drop a cluster-bomborama predator drone, while he be sipping on a slurpy, watching b-ball at hoooome. Wife! MICHELLE An’ while he runnin’ the planet he never stop bein’ dad, an treatin’ all of his girls, like freakin’ Sir Galahad, he sweet’n charming, its alarming just how sweet he can be, an’ when I’m feeling sensual bo’ he be comin’ for me!
The music shifts to a different, more traditional funk. No rap here. Obama James-Browns some dazzling footwork. OBAMA Potus! JEB AND THE CONTENDERS Potus! OBAMA Can’t you see... I’m a lovin’ lotus flower with the power to please.
JEB AND THE CONTENDERS Potus! OBAMA Potus, gonna burn up the floor. When I wrap up my term, I leave you cryin’ for more! More footwork, then the chorus. OBAMA (CONT’D) P.O.T.U.S. of A... Potus!
JEB AND THE CONTENDERS It’s easy to say. OBAMA P.O.T.U.S. of A... Potus! The American way! (abruptly) Owwwwwwwwww, yeah. The LIGHTING CHANGES and now Barack takes a hand-held microphone for a little, Barry White, spoken introduction. OBAMA (CONT’D) (speaking to the audience) You know, baby. When we first met... I just couldn’t believe... how lucky I was... ‘Cause there’s no one in this world, I’d rather serve. No one but you... Obama sings in a Stylistics, You Make Me Feel Brand New style. OBAMA (CONT’D) But Baby! Sometimes I don’t think you understand. How much I’ve done for you... and for this land. Back up singers join in. OBAMA (CONT’D) With all those haters, who whisper in your ear... the world is dyin’... And the end is near... (spoken) But they’ wrong baby... They’ just plain wrong... It makes me want to sinnnnnng this song.. Chorus. OBAMA (CONT’D) Has anybody noticed, the economy is doin’ all right? Has anybody noticed, higher wages are in sight? Has anybody noticed, that their gas bill’s pretty low, and that record job expansion, now eight years in a row? Obama takes his jacket off and hands it to Biden. OBAMA (CONT’D) Have you noticed, we aren’t fighting two wars? Has anybody noticed, Detroit’s still making cars? Did you notice, that we are better off, and yet they scoff, when I point them to the truth. Obama loosens his tie. OBAMA (CONT’D) I could show charts, or have experts testify, but search your hearts, you know the reason why. So come on, baby. Take me by the hand, show me some lovin’ and try to understand... He taps outreached audience hands. OBAMA (CONT’D) Did you see that the crash has turned around? Your 401K’s higher from the market’s leaps and bounds. Has anybody noticed, that millions have health care, who never lived with coverage before? Bridge. OBAMA (CONT’D) We got LGBT rights!... And that’s right on... Go smoke a joint, it won’t be long, before the drug-war’s long and gone. Reprise. OBAMA (CONT’D) Has anybody caught the fact, I made it through scandal free? Has anybody seen Bin Laden? Uh Uh, he’s feeding fishes in the sea. Has anybody noticed, my presidency rocked the world,.. And when congress tried, to block my path, they felt the pain, they felt my wrath. Coda. OBAMA (CONT’D) I’m asking for a little credit, although I’m just a man. I hope that when you’re asked to help. Your answer will be, “yes, we can....”

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