Obesity rate in the USA rises to 27.7% in 2014

Lots of comments about fat people and how much they suck so hard. Those lardasses have 0 willpower, drain on society, etc etc.

I then love to point out how I've been taught as a kid that low fat shit is how to lose weight, calories in, calories out its simple idiot, but never once, NOT FUCKING ONCE, did anyone mention carbohydrates til I was in my 20s, already suffered years of abuse for being near 400lbs when I graduated high school. This was after a few years of martial arts, working out, legit trying. I even bring up the anecdote of my super thin friend and I once ate the same things for 3 months, sitting around playing video games, like we did all the time. The same portion size, this was experimental and we tried to be legit.

I gained weight and he lost it, changing no other variables other than whose body is whose. Calories in/out is such a fucking misnomer it's ridiculous, and does nothing to shame people who've tried that line of thinking and basically starved themselves because of it.

No, it's what you eat that matters. I've lost so much weight just by stopping carbs, screw working out, moving more, playing less games, any of that. Change no other variable except super restrict carbs, and fat melts off of my body.

What's hilarious is that really makes the fat shamers mad lol. They think they have some special willpower that those fatties don't when they sit around and be just as sluggish and lazy as any other person, basking in the delight of their better functioning metabolism. Well news flash, I'm 31 and so are the rest of my fattening up peers who used to have metabolism like yours until mid twenties it just starts giving out on them slowly. I have a hard news flash for you lol, you are so fucked because you've built up this false sense of willpower. It's kinda funny in a morbid sorta way.

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