Obesity still rising among adults, women overtake men

I disagree, This is blaming the food as if it magically has a bunch more calories in it.

Thanks for your comment and voicing your candid opinion.

Your statement is facsinating, that is precisely what I am saying, different foods have different quantities of calories per pound, but it isn't magic. I may be wrong, but lets examine the facts.

This example isn't precisely how it works, it's just a simple example using simple terms.

Lets pretend a human is going to eat some food, their food is either chocolate or celary. They are going to each a pound of either food in order to feel physically satisfied with their sense of hunger as humans often do.

Here is where that magic you noted comes in.

A pound of chocolate has 4,000 calories.

A pound of celery has 64 calories.

If you are skeptical at all, and I hope you are, search for this information and even look for calories for other types of foods.

This staggering difference can be used to point out the very root of obesity. The cause of obesity, by large, is primarily eating foods that are primarily far more calorie dense.

The the key factor is discipline.

It would be, if people stopped eating as soon as they had eaten enough calories rather than once they felt full. The discipline isn't to stop eating, the discipline is to control what foods you eat, at least my opinion of the ideal way to approach this issue.

As I stated above there definitely are more factors that make it more difficult to be disciplined.

Some folks like to point to ideas like genetics, food availability, cost, and the taste or preference of foods. All of these are incredibly insignificant details and excuses. People have paid money to learn this secret, all you have to do is eat foods that are low in calorie density.

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