How Low Can Lew Rockwell Go?

Addendum: The feelings I expressed in the last paragraph, as strong as they are, were only intensified when I read another article at LRC by Jack D. Douglas (“America’s Disintegrating Culture,” Nov. 11). In the process of a hell-in-a-handbasket diatribe about the decadence of actually respecting people’s transgender identities, Douglas said: “In living, vigorous cultures people don’t just call someone whatever they want to be called or let them do just whatever they want to do.” And he went on to contrast the undesirable levels of freedom and tolerance at home with America’s “imperialistic and totalitarian” behavior abroad. That pretty much gives away the whole game right there. If this kind of F Scale-breaking authoritarianism is the price of a “living, vigorous culture,” then fuck the culture. When “libertarians” start talking in terms of Volk and Kulture over individual autonomy and agency, and preaching discipline as the cure for “cultural disintegration” and decadence, you can be pretty sure that the word “freedom” in their propaganda is as devoid of substance as “Freiheit” was in that of the Nazis. The Paleos are a cancer on any movement that genuinely respects human liberty and dignity.

The addendum tells one all they need to know about the degenerate left-libertarians at C4SS.

On this paragraph:

You’d be much, much happier if you stopped deluding yourselves, threw out the Locke and Hayek and started reading Mencius Moldbug. You’d no longer have to manufacture flimsy pretexts for why your desire to be theocratic, neo-feudal, petty despots was technically consistent with libertarian principle. You could stop bullshitting yourselves and everybody else. Go to the Dark Side and get it over with.

Actually, we'll keep Locke. Has he read "Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina?" Hayek too.

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