Oct. 9, 2005: Alex Smith makes his first start for the San Francisco 49ers and I was there. Happy 10 years in the NFL!

I'll always love Alex. I went to his first training camp in '05 and I don't think I'll ever see that many Utah jerseys ever again.

The Niners during that time are the poster boy of how to destroy a #1 pick. Some of it was bad luck with McCarthy and Norv both becoming HC in in Alex's first two years. But most of it was bad coaching. The guy needed to be trained hard on his mechanics. They were asking him to play from the pocket, something he didn't do under Urban Meyer at Utah. His footwork was terrible, but the Niners became impatient/incompetent. Jim Hostler had no idea what he was doing. Mike Martz didn't care, he was there to execute his offense not train a QB. Don't get me started on Jimmy Raye but by the time Raye came along it was too late anyway. Throw in a shoulder injury that wasted a vital year of development in between and you end up with a bust. All of this was exacerbated by the fact the defense was actually really solid. Nolan had no idea what he was doing on offense, I doubt he even met with offensive coordinators during the week, but the man built a powerhouse defense. The frustration of watching your offense constantly shit itself with defense forced to hold the diaper finally exploded with "We want Carr". Side note I went to training camp in 2010 and there was this guy who was trolling Alex the entire day. He would boo him everytime he had an incomplete pass and would screen for Carr to " show him how it's done! " Wouldn't surprise me if that guy was one of the catalysts of the Monday night chanting. When Singletary left the 49ers his parting words were "gotta have a quarterback". I think that sentiment ran true for most of the 49er fan base it was. Our defense is strong, is it time to move on another direction?

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