ODs in Toronto tonight

Y'know, I'm pretty sure you're just another one of the 'so blessed' who will never understand why people do drugs (it's not to be 'cool', you're just a non player character in someones personal hell btw), however, there may be some truth in what you said about cocaine not being that addictive. I quit over 20 years ago, and although I did really want some for the first few weeks and occasionally after that, I quit and stay quit. Smoking (just plain tobacco) on the other hand has been unsurmountable. It truly is addictive (and has far more social pressure to quit, nobody need ever know you do coke if you hide it) and although I've tried a million times, I can't quit smoking.

Yeah yeah..... I get that you're going to virtue signal your supposed superiority with a comeback something along the lines of "You don't need a cigarette, you just want a cigarette" or some other bullshit selfish assholes say to look superior but this comment is not for you; It's for those who may want to quit coke and believe the lies that addictive substances are all the same. Coke is addictive, no doubt, but in my experience there are different levels of addictive and you've got a good chance kicking coke :)

/r/toronto Thread Parent