What kind of message does it send if the girl splits/pays for the date?

I’ve been married for a long time but if something terrible were to happen and I was back on the market I would always, always attempt to split the bill on the first date. That being said, if a guy accepted, I would assume he wasn’t interested in me as a long-term romantic prospect.

I’m financially comfortable so I’m not just looking for a free meal, and I would never spend money getting ready for a date (who are these women who buy a new dress for a date when he hasn’t seen any of your existing clothes?). I’ve just found that of the men that I know (my friends, husband’s friends, brother’s friends), they would never let a woman pay if they were seriously interested in her. To be fair, they skew a bit older (and perhaps wealthier) than the Reddit crowd.

Just want to be clear that I’m not saying it would be a turn off; I would take it as an indicator of his interest in me.

/r/AskMen Thread