Officer allows teen caught with marijuana to do 200 push-ups instead of jail time

And a just and proper punishment for something as the laws of a jurisdiction that still have these on their books, if that nation has laws like this, we respect them or invade them for a change. A punishment for it seems ridiculous crime in our society, may not seem fair, but we don't operate within the realm of that jurisdiction, so we have say no until we change the laws. I'd rather do some exercise if I avoided prison or death.

We can't change the laws of a nation unless we have influence, and I prefer it not be military because the cost is too high in civilian lives and the tragedy that brings. Other nations must be allowed to enact their laws without intervention.

Yes, we need conflicts and wars because the diplomatic solution will not always work. And we need to test weapons system against the major players without going head on and not starting a full on conflict that nobody can back off from.

As sad as it is, Syria is just a playground for testing new system without going to a full on conflict between major players, and to prevent Israel from going all nuclear on the Middle East.

War is more complicated today than most people realize. The point isn't to have a decisive winner, but it's a contest to see who has the brinkmanship and arms to go up against the other players.

I think everybody will notice that one of the players in the game has held back, and that's China. They observe, but they won't show their cards until everyone has played their"s first. And it's a very smart move because they are the only wild card in the deck.

There is also Israel, Iran, and North Korea, but we now their capabilities. But a small thing like imposing an exercise punishment on person that committed a minimal crime, I respect the common sense of a judge like that. As I pointed out, we have much bigger issues to deal with.

EDIT: I had to copy/paste my comment here because you had the post removed from another thread you started.

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