Oh no

cool. lets allow people to keep hiding behind their personality disorder.

Will you say the same about Autism then? I just really want to hear you say that Autistic people are just hiding behind their disorder. Im so close bb, say it so I can finish you can get me there.

are tou seriously gonna tell me these complex ailments are free from people trying to clout farm?

For all of history there have been dishonest people. Thats never led me to say that Paraplegic people are hiding behind their dysfunction and are to lazy to work out like the rest of us.

Ill meet you a bit. In the SPD subreddit, theres a ton of children who come through and think its some cool SIGMA MALE disorder; they claim to be Schizoid because they dont want to deal with the fact that they have trouble making friends; its so much easier to pretend to have a disorder that doesnt give a fuck about social interactions. Its like a weird fetish thing, shit like this post creeps me out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Schizoid/comments/muo1m6/nonschizoid_lurker/

With that said, I would hope we can criticize dishonest people or misinformed children without delegitimizing the experience of the people who are fucked by these disorders.

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