Ok, Reddit, if we all suspended judgment for a sec, what do you want to brag about?

I don't understand... what "attitude"?

The fact that older people tend to generalize millennials along the lines of

there seems to be an attitude of entitlement

A lot of older people are huge assholes to millenials that made some form of bad decision or don't fit their definition of success. Their point is to always be supportive of your kids. Some parents are really turning their backs on their kids these days if they didn't "turn out right" and it's very obvious to those kids.

Also, kids don't know shit for the most part. It's on the parents and role models to guide young people to make good decisions. I mean obviously the kids have to care about their future at least somewhat, but your kid is in the position that he is largely because of (what sounds like) your good advice. The kids taking on $100k loans for college are doing so because they've been poorly advised to do so, often by universities and banks who stand to benefit and misrepresent employment/salary statistics, parents that don't know better, or guidance counselors who are told to push kids into college even if that might not be the best fit for that kid.

Millenials are so "entitled" because everyone that they trust promises them the moon and they don't know better, so they believe it. By the time they realize that they were tricked/misled/taken advantage of/poorly advised, they're already in a hole that's very, very difficult to get out of. Should 18 year olds know better? Yeah, and they would if their parents were smart and talked finances with them regularly. But most kids don't have parents like that and realistically I have a hard time blaming kids who have little life experience and no concept of money outside of a min wage job for making a poor financial decision. Just so happens that some decisions tend to cripple your financial well-being for life. There's a lot of blame to go around for the nasty student loan situation we've got going on, but I can't put most of that on the students.

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