Old people, am I right?

Im a millenial, not a boomer. The millenials taking over is most likely to be the casue of another rise in communism which will be the same shit show as every other time thats been tried. They have high ideas and no clue.

I dont see tantrums from boomers, but I do see it from my peers when they go into the streets and claim to have a "right" to pretty much everything, but get pissed off and salty when told they will have to work for things.

As a side note, blaming "boomers" for everything makes you sound like a consiracy theorist who thinks "the jews" are the cause of all the worlds ills.

Maybe your community was shit, but mine taught me how to be a valid member of the community, work hard, and take responsibility for things. If you think all "the boomers" are selfish, money grubbing monopoly men with little regard for the future generation then you have a very childish, naive, and 2-dimentional view.

You aren't ready for the responsibility of adulthood.

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