Old People of Reddit, Were there News Boys, and Where You Ever One?

In the very early '60's I had a paper route. I was about 10 or 11 years old when I started. There was an old wooden shack behind some buildings a few block away from where we lived, with a pot belly wood burning stove in the center, and that is where we rode our bikes to and waited, pre-dwan, at about 5 in the morning. The truck came and dropped off the paper and we folded and banded them there and went off to deliver our route. Then we went home. Football Saturdays I could make extra money by coming back to the station after delivering my route and they would take me and a bundle of papers to a street corner near the football stadium and drop me off where I would stand and yell, "Extra, Extra, Read all about it....." and sell more papers. The paper cost 6 cents a day. The Extra cost 10 cents. A weekly subscription was 6 cents times 7 days, or 42 cents a week which I collected on Thursday evenings.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread