Older gamers, how do you handle the perception of the hobby by others?

I'm 34 and don't care.
Also probably helps that I mostly order my games online and so I'm rarely in gaming stores.
I know how you feel though. I had a favorite band that, when they had a hit song on the radio, had their fan demographics shift almost overnight.
I was in my 20's and went to a show and, rather than people my age (like at shows in the past) it was a lot of high school kids--primarily young girls.
I'll admit that I was bothered and people giving me some shit for it here and there didn't help much but, who cares?
I like what I like. I have some other hobbies (and I'd say that isn't a bad idea...but still stick to stuff you like) but I like to game. What I do with my spare time is, honestly, my business and no one is going to tell me otherwise so long as I'm not harming anyone or anything.

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