OMG's Gogoing and Loveling announce retirement




Hello everyone, from today I am stepping down from the roster.

Thinking back, this has been a very fulfilling 4-year experience, there were highs and there were lows, it was rewarding yet there were regrets. From Renekton to Ryze to Hecarim (laughs), from strangers to teammates to brothers, and having gained so many supportive fans. Actually I had considered retiring during Season 4, just that the overall situation back then was better and I didn't want to let myself and my fans down. Having gone through Season 5 reaffirmed my decision to retire, and since I feel I've done my best I can retire without worry.

The regret is still there, just a little bit more relieved, and off-stage I've never stopped thinking about how it would feel to win a World Championship. It's a pity that I've not been able to make this a reality, but retirement isn't just an ending, but it's a fresh beginning, and I will continue to endeavour in this line of work.

Lastly thank you eSports, thank you OMG and my teammates for being so (inclusive?), and thank you all the fans who have stuck with me through the highs and lows, and thank you everyone who has contributed to the eSports scene as a whole.

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