Omicron variant was in the Netherlands a week before first discovery

Of course you go with a downvote. I said I don’t care for Trump or support him which you can see in my history there’s no history of Trump or any political support. I proactively meant no offense to Garlic Bread there. What you don’t like facts? Facts are facts. People want to blame people for a virus. What so we can pair up a virus with a singular person and sentence them to what death or give them time in jail? I highly assume you said what you said because I brought up Trump. Which is just always funny if you reflect back on how it all went down. In the end a Virus doesn’t have a tracking number with it’s origin. On a scientific note, information is readily available to see that they go searching in new found caves, new depths of water and in space searching for Viruses that can help lead to Self-Preservation. If a virus can survive for billions of year and they’re hidden across the globe then scientists want to crack that code and also find out how it’s surviving and work with that. Hill of Vice I mean no harm and I hope you have a pleasant day. My apologies for not going into detail as to why I don’t think origin is important if they were here before dinosaurs and Jesus.

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