I was once offered a free ticket to a concert, which I never made it to since I slipped on ice, broke my front tooth and had an ambulance escort me to the hospital where I received a public intoxication and an underage drinking citation. What would you consider your finest moment?

The only one I can think of from the top of my head was last summer. I was at a festival with some friends and I was on a crazy 'I've had a horrible year so I'm just going to get fucked up and have fun in the process' rampage within those weeks. My friend often has LSD with him at festivals so he gave me one as a birthday present - it was my first time properly doing it so I didn't know what to expect.

Fast forward a few hours later and I found my friend in the crowd again (I'm one of those people who always manage to detach away from my friends at festivals) and said "I need to get more, nothing is happening". We made our way through the crowd until we found some people who were selling drops of acid - more potent than tabs. Literally about two minutes after taking the drop I realized I could feel myself coming up on the first tab of acid and there was nothing I could do about having already taken the second drop.

I went to see the band I wanted to see at the festival - got to the front barrier, got drunk, got baked, and came up damn hard halfway through their set. I kept seeing security guards running for me but when I turned to face them they weren't there, they were just hallucinations. (I thought I was tripping about making friends with a guy from Montreal until I met him the next day - that's how bad I was!).

After the gig was over I couldn't find any of my friends and I wasn't tired enough to sleep (this was around 2am) - so I took a walk through the main arena and found a rock sticking out of the ground. I figured I'd sit to enjoy the rest of the trip and roll a smoke - except I couldn't roll it properly because everytime I focused on adding tobacco to my papers these fuckers kept coming up out of the ground really slowly and every time I tried to look at them they'd disappear. I knew I was hallucinating so it didn't scare me, but after about 10 minutes of trying to focus on rolling a rollie with these guys constantly mocking me outside my vision, I lost my temper and started shouting at them saying I could see them, to hurry up and get out of the ground if that's what they're trying to do and to stop being such fucking teases.

After about a 5 minute rant, I realized... I'm a girl sitting on her own in the middle of a field having an argument with the ground with lots of people walking around me. I think I face-palmed pretty hard because within a minute a stranger walked over to me, threw me a can of cider and said "you look like you need this". She sat with me for a while (I have no idea if it was 30 minutes or 3 hours) because she'd lost her friends the same way I did. Eventually what I remember being a security guard (maybe it wasn't? Maybe I was tripping?) came over to talk to us and I bailed and found friends back at our campsite. I wandered into the social circle just as some guy was pouring his heart out about something, except I made an ass of myself because I had intense giggles for no reason and had to leave before everyone hated me. I got into my tent and ended up keeping my friends awake until 11am the next morning because I couldn't sleep nor stop talking and complaining about things that didn't make any sense. I eventually slept a few hours through a horrible comedown and told my friend if he ever gave me acid ever again I would stop talking to him.

Fast forward 5 hours later and another two tabs of acid, I'm watching a band and I'm at the barrier again when a mosh pit starts up and I get crushed between a person and smack my rib off the barrier - hello cracked rib! I make my way back to my tent and all my friends think I'm making it up because I'm so strung out. I ended up falling asleep and, because I didn't sleep much the night before, I slept an obnoxious amount of hours and missed the rest of the entire festival.

TL;DR: First time doing acid, took four hits, cracked a rib and made an idiot out of myself. Don't do druqz kids

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