One of the best Scrubs musical numbers. Opening to season 2. Colin Hay from Men at Work.

I had a very rough life, and I spoke briefly about it when another redditor asked about what made people leave a gang. I remember listening to this song while I was convalescing after having been shot several times. It made me think about the brothers that I had lost, the consequences of starting a new life somewhere else to escape my situation, and the problems that would cause for those who were close to me that I'd be leaving behind. English is not my native tongue but I understood enough to know how to get my message across when I needed to. I had been working on improving my English and started listening to a lot of American and British music to help with immersion.

An associate of mine brought me a Sony Walkman with a bunch of mix tapes that were probably copied from the US armed forces radio station, and this song came up. When the meaning of the lyrics soaked into my consciousness, or at least how I interpreted it, I wept. I don't ever remember crying before, not like that. My face felt warm and wet with all of that angst that was pouring out of my eyes. I don't remember much else about that day except that this song convinced me that I needed to get out of my situation and find a better life.

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