One broadband choice counts as “competition” in new FCC proposal

There are more issues to deal with than just the money. How do you legally nationalize the internet and its infrastructure without a drawn out legal battle? If you want the big ISPs to get on board, how much control and monopoly status will they be given, especially since they already have so much lobbying power? How do you incentivize innovation under a nationalized system and prevent the kinds of supply chain collapses that nationalizing risks? What kinds of restrictions will be in place in terms of bandwidth and speed and what does the public do if it doesn't like its options?

The only unproblematic way to go about it is to subsidize everyone's internet for "free", but then there's no reason for ISPs who are already very monpoloistic to drive up prices and spend barely any of it to service customers. And if it's coming from tax money that still has to come from somewhere, and it's not likely that it will only come from the rich.

Corruption seems to lurk in the very idea of nationalizing the internet under our current system. Taking the step of making regulation honest and working for the citizens again seems necessary before even considering anything else.

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