One million people poor or deprived in ‘rich, developed’ Ireland

Your the one going ape shit on the internet lad. Relax.


Did it ever cross your mind that we can help both?

When did I say we couldn't? You're just making shit up. I'm saying that we don't look after our own but we're willing to pay out for others. Get it?

The fact is that 48 million is an absolute drop in the ocean compared not only to our budget, but the money we lose through tax avoidance by the wealthiest individuals and corporations.

Will ya shut up about tax. Nobody is disputing the tax issue. Bit the fuck lad. Get a clue.

It is not a case of helping some refugees or helping Irelands poor.

Again, I didn't say that it was. But we're quick to draw up plans to help others when there's little being done to help Irish children living in poverty.

Irelands poor don't suffer for the state helping people who are suffering as much as them. Ireland poor suffer for those who avoid paying their fair share.

Say it 5 more times, lad.

You put up a false economic argument to try and claim that refugees take money from the poorest to suit your nativist agenda. I am more than happy to debunk that argument.

Why do you "nativist agenda" like it's a bad thing? I care about my people. I want my country to do well. Frankly, fuck you.

And didn't debunk any argument I made. You made up your own argument and had a go at that.

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