(Onision) Internet-famous youtuber uses the "body positivity" movement to excuse his predatory behavior on underage girls

This is exactly why a lot of people dislike us (cluster Bs) - you're making this entirely about you. Surely, I get where you're coming from - but the new thing of seeing mentally ill alone as some gravely oppressed social group is avoiding accountability.

I am a borderline, I am talking textbook, and I do not care when people denigrate terrible men for their ugly actions by using insults like "mentally ill/psycho/borderline/cluster b". Women's anger is more important to me than semantics, especially if it's towards men like Onision.

I am a borderline and I am this way because I was around other narcissists. ('other' because yes, let's be real - a lot of borderlines are narcissists). I talk about how fucked up my mother is for being a narcissist, does that make me not understand how terrible her childhood may have been? Nope.

I was raped daily as a child, and I know my illness is not my fault. But I know that this is unfortunately the experience of many women and that my behavior in the past was shitty regardless of what happened to me. Our illness is a part of us, but the closest thing a lot of us will get is calling ourselves out.

/r/GenderCritical Thread Parent Link - heatst.com