Online friends from all over the world make a video about equality

It's quite annoying to see people post silly videos like this to prove a point, not to belittle you but your argument is anecdotal. It's not unlike many actual propaganda videos you see often currently but they are very transparent.

Its like this if you hear something once you might disagree with it, if you hear it many times you might disagree with it loudly but if you hear something many times from many different people you start to think you might be wrong or at least hide your opinion. That is the purpose traditionally of this type of propaganda by showing different demographics it presents the illusion of consensus. But really it's just a few people who are probably actors anyway. obviously not in your case I now realise.

This propaganda is only really effective in schools, universities and upper middle class groups. Everyone else either doesn't care because they have the agency to create groups that suit their ideals anyway (upper class) or despise it because they live in a reality that doesn't mesh with the ideals presented (lower class).

It's good to see people invested in politics but if you want to make a point first you should research the subject very thoroughly. If you watch even real politicians it's easy to see the pro's from the light weights, the facts the pro's have to defeat every argument the light weights put out is devastating. Donald Trump as an example because you mentioned him destroyed Yeb in his last debate because he was aware of the global market. But in many cases Trump only provides emotional arguments that could be easily defeated with facts in some cases like vaccines causing autism.

Secondly get real life experience. Work a full time job, travel the world if you can, read political texts from many ideologies, read up on history and have arguments about politics with people who disagree with you in real life. You might think the free market is the solution to everything then get a long line of shitty bosses and think fuck that shit. Or you might visit a city with awful infrastructure and think government can't be trusted with this much responsibility.

After that you should be sure of your political affiliation and beliefs and have the facts to back yourself up. You seem like a bunch of relatively driven kids if you push yourselves you could make real change as you grow into adults.

Sorry for the rant but I felt bad for being so harsh on the video creators.

Here is an example of a slightly less shitty video that you could emulate next time: (still bad I know)

And here is an example of a poor video that is not too dissimilar from yours in concept:

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