Ontario January 17 update: 3422 New Cases, 3078 Recoveries, 69 Deaths, 60,183 tests (5.69% positive), Current ICUs: 395 (-2 vs. yesterday) (+7 vs. last week)

You're entitled to your opinion, just as everyone else is. I'm relatively certain I said right from the start my comment was an opinion.

That said, the graph does align perfectly in Ontario at least. And when they tested students in Toronto a ridiculous number of kids tested positive, though they were asymptomatic.

Regarding your comments about the government trying to infect us, no.. I don't think they are. But they do have an agenda to keep kids in schools. They want people to continue to work as much as possible so the economy doesn't crumble and fall apart, and many parents use school as a form of free child care.

Also, no need to rant.. It's possible to have a conversation, even if we don't agree on all things.

/r/CanadaCoronavirus Thread Parent