OPEN Q&A THREAD FOR MEN: Explain to FDS what a rapist looks, talks, and acts like. Also provide a full proof way to know they’re not safe to be alone with before you’re actually alone. [Trigger Warning]

Girl here. I think they're mostly liars or trying to degrade/blame women. Apparently many rapists look like regular men and can be "nice". Though bias speaking: when I see them mug shotted they usually look kinda more off then other mug shotted men. Might be media bias, idk. if you wanna eyeball sex offenders. There's also statistics-for-thought; 56% of men are married, but the last statistic taken in a census seems to put rapists at about 25%~ married men. Not that important, just found it interesting.

Relatively, it's non-intimate acquaintances that are the highest offenders (though intimate ones or exes at just 6% below at 33%). Over 30 year old women, the offenders tend to more likely be strangers. It's already been surveyed that many men (almost half? not sure) would commit rape if there were no consequences, and it's not an uncommon fetish, so you can't really trust what's going through their heads either.

Be weary if he tries posturing/virtuesignalling but never doing any good, also avoid disheveled, ungroomed/dirty men in general. No alcohol/open drinks. No unempathetic men. This isn't a "get comfy with other men" thing though. Just make sure you avoid being alone in a private space with male acquaintances, cut them off if they seem to want you and they're single+you don't want to date them. Many girls have an appeasement issue--and even if your female friend is doomed to be Pickmeisha, you should still try to inform her. Make sure any man you're with is patient sexually and doesn't react angrily if you (either purposefully or accidentally out of fear) blue ball him or want to wait for sex.

Maybe we need to discuss psychology here and gather the perception of rapists from their victims and data that involves their character and this: girl in India (I believe she was raped) ended up making it her thesis and interviewed many rapists. X

Her interviews reinforced the views that rapists had a poor opinion of women in general, but their utter lack of remorse came as a surprise to her.

The one exception, a rapist of a 5 year old, solely showed remorse because he took her virginity, therefore, she's "worthless." Noted that it was a myth that women that get raped put themselves in bad situations. Moreover, I noticed something that fit into my prior theories:

But she did say she saw a pattern of "cognitive distortion"

So...when the woman "acts out of line", like defends herself against attackers, etc., it's her fault she gets beat.

"With few exceptions, the murderers clearly blamed themselves for their crimes, (understanding how they destroyed lives). This was not the case with the rapists.".... They tried to justify their crimes.

They basically refused to take accountability in some way and blamed everything on women. Yup. This is India...but, tbh, I see this pattern with men pretty frequently here, whether or not they're rapists, feeling more outrage against the rape victim than the perp, etc., even in cases where they know nothing. I've seen dudes refer to how a minority of men get falsely accused and use that as proof all women are harpies and rape is a joke. It's...a bit insane.

I'd say pay attention to this all, watch for signs of sociopaths that put on masks, take notes about how the dudes around you act in terms of remorse and accountability. They can virtuesignal/lie, though I'd say when put through rage, frustration, a bumpy time, close attention. When they do immoral wrong, do they scramble for excuses?

Also, this isn't me saying that rapists can be labeled or that a woman is accountable for whether or not she gets raped.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread