Oregon Sheriff: “These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States."

These men, I garunetee you, are probably self proclaimed patriots. Really? Armed rebellion (protest at this point) against our government?

The men that are in prison, are there because they committed arson. According to the defendants, it was to stop an invasive species from killing their plants. The prosecutor's state it was an attempt to cover up poaching. Found guilty and are doing their time.

These men are lucky no one has been shot or killed. No point is going to be made on a mass scale. No revolution will happen, as these men had hoped for. They're patriotic? Do you see the trouble they have caused? The FBI are involved now, those agents are spread thin. We are wasting police resources because of this, so-called, "militia." What happens then when someone is shot? Now they have to be driven to a hospital and receive medical care. This takes up time for EMS and the surgeons/doctors who will have to treat the injured. Regardless of whether they are on the side of the militia or law enforcement, the injured will receive medical treatment.

Is this worth it? this is worst case scenario "Lady was in a car accident, needs surgery or she will die. Sorry, surgeons are already busy with the men who were injured in the shoot out (it is possible that the triage system of the hospital would stop the surgery to treat the patient from the car accident. It varies depending on local protocal, as well)." It could very well happen.

When these men took over the federal building, they have basically stated that their cause is worth going to jail for and that they have little regard for the possible consequences of their actions. These men need to grow up and face the reality that if they want to make a difference in this country, you need to get off your ass and work for a position in government. They will accomplish nothing by doing this, except for maybe jail time and cessation of their personal property.

All of our actions come with consequences. These men apparently have a very, narrow, view of those consequences. I hope their time in the criminal justice system, will make them realize that.

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