Over 55 Climate Scientists Call BS on Joe Biden's Claim No Scientists Support Bernie Sanders' Climate Plan

Bernie says 2030, that is his campaign.

Bzzzzt, wrongo. From the campaign website:

"Reaching 100 percent renewable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030 and complete decarbonization of the economy by 2050 at latest – consistent with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change goals – by expanding the existing federal Power Marketing Administrations to build new solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources."

I'm looking for answer on where the money will come from behind tax the rich and tax corporations.. those are ideas

Again, you should probably read through the GND on the campaign website since all of the questions you are asking are anwered in deatil. But to summarize:

/r/EverythingScience Thread Parent Link - earther.gizmodo.com