Overwatch feels underwhelming, here is why.

I totally understand what you're talking about! I want people to know exactly how well I'm doing, but maybe that's because I'm a prideful SoB. It's amazing to feel that deep internal satisfaction that you are annoying 6 random people. I'm not being sarcastic either. Feelsgoodman.jpg

I respectfully disagree with your points though. Overwatch is a game with so many skirmishes and battles that interaction with the enemy team is almost constant. I understand that in many other games it is nice to have some symbols of your domination. Seeing how much healing/damage/mitigation you have done and even nicer for other people to be able to see it. Overwatch manages this recognition in a different way. With so few players on each team it is very easy to recognize straight away which characters are doing well. A nasty Widowmaker shooting from a nook past a corner on a ledge, a McCree roaming the halls of the buildings waiting for an easy kill, a Zenyatta orbing through walls and logic to burst you like a lemon vodka filled balloon are very recognizable in a game like overwatch. Good plays don't go unnoticed by the enemy team. Good plays annoy and disrupt the enemy team and cause them to specifically change to counter you. Voice chat amplifies this effect with people complaining or praising depending on the situation. Overwatch expects you to pay attention to the game and get a feel for how things are playing out rather than showing you a sheet of numbers. It's not a different result. It's a different way of arriving there.

I have so many people that I know are good (and I hate them for it (well... not hate... but you understand... they irk me because they kill me)).

Vorpal is a deadly Pharah

Baird is an A-hole tracer

Fear is a relentless reaper

House is probably the best Winston in the beta

I know these people because it's so easy to get a feel for who is playing well.

As for number 2, This is a much shorter answer. I simply must have different experiences with the play of the game. I don't see a disproportionate amount of plays of the game for offense. It really just depends on the game... actually Zenyatta seems to get plays all too often... so nerf him :P

/r/Overwatch Thread Link - us.battle.net