Overwatch Update - PTR - March 24, 2018 -

Holy shit. Overwatch has to have the most selfish player base there is. People on Bnet forums would laugh on people who'd create threads saying D.va needs nerfs, despite having the obvious statistics indicating that she is too strong. The same happened with Mercy. Why can't people admit that the hero that they main needs nerfs? I've been a Dva OTP for the past 2 seasons, and I was probably the only Dva player in the world who thought that she needed nerfs. Why did I think so? Because I'm not a special little snowflake like most of you on Bnet forums are. I'm here to make the game for the better future. The same way I thought back when I was a Zarya main in season 2, and with the start of season 3 she got nerfed. I totally agreed on the nerfs because the reason on why I picked up Zarya as my main is because I knew she was strong back then.

Anyways, my idea of a nerf to Dva was not allow her Missiles to be used while using DM or when using shift boosters. But I guess this change also works...

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