Parents of Reddit: If you could start your life over, knowing what you know now, would you still have your kids? Why or why not?

No, absolutely not.

I have a 14 year old daughter that was an oops baby. Since my ex's pregnancy until now it's been an absolute nightmare just being part of her life.

The family courts are extremely unfair to fathers and I'm completely traumatized from the ordeal. Any money I made in my 20's pretty much went to court and lawyer fees. To add insult to injury, my daughter has been alienated and coached to hate me. In the past year she's:

  • threatened to punch me in the face
  • told me I'm not her dad, her stepdad is her real dad
  • called the police and told them that I was harassing her and that she didn't know me
  • made fun of me for living at home with my parents (I don't but this is another lie that her mom has fed her).
  • told me that she hates looking in the mirror because half of her looks like me.

Her mom recently moved against court order out of state, the second time she's done this and the courts don't give a shit, so I pretty much just called it a day. Ten years of that shit was enough.

I'm going to therapy now to deal with it all and help me process my grief from losing my daughter. I understand it's not her fault and she didn't ask to be born, but just dealing with my ex has taken an emotional toll that I don't think I'll get over.

/r/AskReddit Thread