Parents of Reddit, what is something your child has said to you, that actually hurt your feelings?

Both my mum and I can't remember what I said, but she said it broke her heart.

My mum struggled a lot with depression and abusive relationships as I was growing up. When I was around 8, she was having an argument with her then boyfriend when she yelled about taking a bunch of sleeping pills. I asked her if she was going to die. She said hopefully.

It had recently been my birthday, and my dad thank the stars had purchased me credit for my crappy Nokia phone. So I went into my big sisters room, told her mum had taken a bunch of pills. And she took my phone and called a family friend of ours. Ambulance came and mum went to the hospital.

Said family friend called my dad the next day just to give me the gist of what was up, and me being an angry little kid yelled in the background that mum has taken, I believe 12 sleeping pills and that she tried to kill her self. I was angry.

My dad went into dad mode and forced my sister and I to go and live with him.

At the airport I had said something cruel to my mum that she said broke her heart.

Neither of us remember it as I said, but I regret saying whatever it was every day.

I love my mum. She had issues that I couldn't understand at 8 years old. She still struggles with depression and not wanting to be on this world, but she knows I love her and I need her. So she's fighting through the darkness for me

/r/AskReddit Thread