The Patriarchal Customs Within The Jewish Community

The patriarchal and heterosexist terms are only part of the problem. I'm talking less about the trappings and more about the internal aspects.

Christianity has a world-denying and life-denying streak, although some denominations have watered this down. I see it as a kind of death-in-life, based on repression of all kinds. If you're a Catholic monk or nun, you have to change your name, give up all your possessions, have no deep relationships with other (real) people, police your thoughts for heresy leading to dark nights of the soul, etc. Catholicism has a bonus sadomasochistic streak where you mortify your flesh and fixate on suffering. Why do you think the nuns who ran the Magdalene laundries were the way they were?

Women don't get used up and die in childbirth/childcare, but they get used up in every other way. All your work and everything about who you are is dedicated to the Church.

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