People living in third world countries, what is something that is a part of your everyday life that people in first world countries would not understand / cope with?

You are very fucking privileged to live in the US. Don't compare our Healthcare to the Healthcare of 3rd world countries. We are way better off.

And why not? The US system still sucks. Just because their shitty system sucks worse than my shitty system doesn't mean that my shitty system doesn't suck.

Let's say I have a 1990 Ford Tempo. Objectively, that is a shitty car. What you're doing is the equivalent of saying "You should be grateful for that Ford Tempo, many people in other nations don't even have cars."

Yeah, true, they have -no car- which is worse. But that doesn't mean my 1990 Ford Tempo now is somehow magically not shitty, and my life would be vastly improved if I had a car that was not a shitwagon.

Instead of arguing over who's system sucks worse and clutching our pearls when someone dares say their system sucks when it clearly does - which does nothing productive - we should both, as people and as members of our respective nations, be looking to other countries like Canada, UK, and other nations who have their shit together with healthcare, and see if we both can somehow emulate them instead.

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