People who hate furries, why?

The thing that kills me is furries always use this excuse. "But that's a SMALL part of it." Not quite, and yes it does exist. The furry community is a group of people who dress like halloween characters, and want to be taken seriously, while argueing that animal sex is the last thing on their mind, they're not pedophiles, they're not childish, they're not overly sexualizing what they do.

As said above, every furry I've ever met in person smelled like the suit had been worn for years, and had every human bodily fluid possible coating the entire thing head to toe.

It's obvious you are a furry, you dont have to point it out. And as the mods have told you this doesnt seem to be a very open-ended discussion, because again, you're asking a question that implies everyone hates furries, which couldnt be furthur from the truth, as people just...get creeped out by them.

As a group of people who dress as animals and fuck, run around in public, and never wash the damn things, you should understand it's not something people are going to just change their mind on, especially not with you acting like you or anyone else represent the group as a whole, or you're an authority on what should and shouldnt be said about them, what they do and do not do, You're one of many, you dont know what EVERY member of your group does, nor can you say that you do.

Furries have built a very creepy, disgusting, and childish reputation all for themselves, and they dont need you to add to that pile of burning garbage they've attempted to shake off for years. If they have ANY hope of ever being recognized as an organization, rather than a group of grown children in costumes, then demanding to be respected without any form of contribution to society besides your own displays of why people feel this way being "wrong" or "insulting" is certainly not the way to go.

So as a serious answer to your question: I dont hate them, they just make me and many more cringe, what I actually hate is how they demand to be seen as normal, when the entire point of being a furry is to be different, defeating the whole thing they appear to stand for. And if this isnt the case, then maybe tell your buddies that's why. Nobody hates you, we just think you're a cringe fest, stink, and nobody needs a million photos of a fur suit that only you find cool and sexy and whatever else. Gay, straight, trans, and lesbian people do not parade their sex lives on facebook, why does a furry? Why does the world need to know? Why does the world NEED to respect a group solely focused on themselves?

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