People who have lost a bunch of extra weight, what advice would you give to someone who wants to lose weight but has no self-confidence to do so?

Don't fall for fad diets. Its easy to be happy with quick results, but fads come and go for a reason; they all have their flaws.

You're better off figuring out why what makes you overeat. Bordom? Anxiety? Figure it out and deal with it, when you feel the urge to eat, ask yourself if you really physically feel hungry ir if you are just feeling your trigger.

Start to exercise. Doesn't have to be anything crazy, a 30 min walk a few times a week. Bump it up 45 mins, an hour as you can. Try to jog a little, even just a few seconds here and there if thats all you can do, the more you do the more you'll be able to do.

It can be uncomfortable to walk during the day when there are a lot of people out, you may enjoy walking better at night. Its cooler out and calmer. Less eyes to make you anxious.

Limit unhealthy foods and add healthy and fresher foods. Try to cook your own food more if you are used to eating out or eating prepackaged meals. The effort it takes to cook and seeing the ingredients you put in will make you more conscious of what and how much you eat.

Its a lot of little steps but they add up. You don't have to do them all at once, add one step in, master it, and add another.

This will be much better than any fad or crash diet; this is something you can do forever and after a while, these new things becomr habits, things you don't think about but just do. It will be hard at first, but once these things become habits, you won't even think about it until you see yourself in the mirror one day and realize you look different, and you'rw happy with how you look.

/r/AskReddit Thread