People who stood up to an asshole teacher, what's the story?

I was VERY tired and was in class and turned in homework and my maths teacher gave me a 0 on it for "not showing work" when i did it in class the previous day while he was teaching us how to do it. (normally i would just shrug it off but this was algebra w finance which is a bullshit class with a bunch of mental math.) And i stood up and crumbled it up and threw it at his desk. And he got up and said "DO YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN" and i proceeded to yell and walk to him about how unfair it was and how he just demands respect because he doesnt know how to earn it. He never sent me to the office because the class had a lot of stuff on him. (I apologised later because i was tired and just broke and don't normally act like that) but another funny story with the same teacher is (he got a divorce and moved in with his mother) he was arguing with another student and she was complaining ab the curriculum or something and he popped back and said how she was going to be living with her parents for the rest of her life and someone said "you know a lot about that dont ya coach!" He got so angry he walked out of the class for 20 minutes

/r/AskReddit Thread