Per My Last Email...

I work with a woman who has 4 staff, and every time one of her staff sends anyone an email, she makes them CC her on it.

She then immediately follows up with her own email, 10X longer, with a tone of "why isn't this already done?"

10:05am - Staff member: "Can you send me the ad specs for ABC Publication?"

10:15am - Her: "As you know we are committed to bla-bla-bla. As per the last email please send these details along. Please let me know when you'll send these. I hope we can meet these deadlines and achieve our year end results."

10:16am - me: "123px x 456px in eps or png - media kit attached. let me know if you need anything else"

She does it to everyone, and there are managers who refuse to work with her.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Link -