Planets vs Disney Habit Heroes

Not in 1932 they didn't because none of that had occurred. There were a few significant red flags the world press noted in the following years, but it really wasn't until 1938 that the world understood. Americans didn't have a lot of love for Jews, socialists or communists in the 30's. Also American's were pretty fucking openly racist. They really weren't too concerned about a German police state, laws robbing Jews of their liberty and Hitler rounding up socialists. The only concern they had was wether it would amount to war and how to stay out of it.

You are looking at the situation through a 2015 lens of the world. American attitudes were very different in the 30's. We weren't paragons of liberty justice and virtue and the average American shared a lot of common idealogical ground with Hitler prior to the war. Did you know that the majority of Americans, common intelligent middle class people, believed a Jewish conspiracy caused the depression? Why would they care that a runty German was suppressing them in the tiny country of Germany? That movie I linked, btw, was based on the accounts of one of the people you speak of who escaped Nazi Germany just before the war and told the world the reality of the Hitler's Nazi government in the late 30's.

The entire basis of this Disney rumor is that he allowed and attended at least one "nazi party" meeting in his studio before the war and that he took a meeting with Leni Riefenstahl prior to the war. Nazi or not, he probably wouldn't have worked with her because he was a chauvinist. She was trying to secure US distribution for a propaganda film for the Berlin Olympics. That's it. The only political views he ever expressed in his work, which is really all that matters, were anti-communist and anti-fascist. There were some racist and even a couple antisemitic gags in his mainstream work, but that was quite common throughout hollywood all the way up to the civil rights movement and is not indicative of a Nazi party affiliation.

Racist, sure, antisemetic, maybe, chauvinist, by some accounts, Nazi, nope.

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