Planned Parenthood Is Helping Transgender Patients Access Hormone Therapy

Honestly I have no idea why you're even still replying. At some point I just started ranting more than trying to make any real argument, and actually kinda just trolling a little too.

Long-winded responses are just "blah blah blah someone taking this too seriously, don't care".

Are you certain that your political positions are motivated by having carefully thought through your observations and decided what the most likely explanation is for them?

Okay, yes. Yes I do.

Listen buddy, you're talking to someone that has no worldly reason to care about anyone but himself. Never has, probably never will, probably wouldn't recognize one if it punched him in the face either.

Without that, of course I have thoughts like this about people and life. There's literally nothing to keep me here aside from instinct to just be alive for no fucking reason at all.

And of course I sound like a villain from a JRPG, I mean I grew up on the damn things and have hardly left my house in 22 years. I don't really live in the real world and honestly am not terribly interested in it either. I sit at home, polishing swords and guns and talking to myself. Quite honestly.. people would be fucking smart to stay away and ignore guys like me. We're nutso, unstable, and don't exactly live in the real world.

Seriously buddy, for some dumb reason I wrote all of that on a fucking iPhone. I don't know why, but it's mostly blowing steam and trolling. You wasted your time with your first response, and you'll waste your time with every response after just as much. There isn't an intellectual conversation to be had, and there won't be.

But if you wanna know if I think it's truth, yes. Yes it is. People, heck "life", is inherently evil to someone like me. I'm the kinda person that would think something like "Well if people are suffering, we should just kill them all and end their suffering". I mean that is a solution, no more living things no more problems. Honestly I think giving what was once inanimate objects a consciousness is cruel. There's no point to anything. Life is empty and worthless. It'd have been better if the universe stayed the way it was before life ever happened. Unaware of itself, with nothing to suffer.

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