Poland says cannot accept migrants under EU quotas after Paris attacks

Yeah, call me a fucking nutter and all that.. but in my mind, it'd be fucking glorious if the EU soviet state became crippled and not a thing. Countries going back to using their own currencies instead of a financial policy set by Germany. People being proud to be French, German, English, Spanish... people embracing the beauty in what makes these cultures different and being able to vote in their own governments that control their lives.

Sure, we can all still trade and have some trade regulations that exclude and put heavy regulation on nations that employ slave labour, which we can agree not just as Europe, but with Canada, USA, Australia, call it a 'civilised trade policy', exclude any nation whom doesn't abide by this... or put people on the ground in certain factories in China, making sure the Chinese aren't using slave labour to get technological companies ahead financially to fund development, which would put us at a disadvantage. I'm all for trade barriers protecting people from exploitation like that.

But for Merkle to say 'TAKE IN ALL THE REFUGEES', put quotas on our us in the UK makes me wonder WTF our government is doing down in London. Do these men not care about us as the people, or are they just going through SJW style pressure in which makes them conform to such madness? I don't really know mate.

I'm just one of the quiet UKip voters, that isn't actually racist at all and actually has muslim and black friends. Most people agree with me, but in a profressional setting I'd never voice my opinion because it seems that once a picture comes up of a kid Syrian child on a beach in France, everybody wants them all to come in as they're just people... regardless of proper vetting of these people and our own safety AND the fact that we can't take care of our own homeless, like as I mentioned above.

It's sickening really that wanting the best for your nation before anybody else is somehow these days thought of as racist or bigoted.

I mean mate honestly, I'm aware as technology progresses that we become more educated and safer anyway. I don't think this is due to the fact that people are becoming more left wing, I think this is due to the fact that people are just occupied with other things. I've got fallout 4 which I'll be playing later, I'm having a few cans of beer on reddit tonight, I'm just not really that in touch with my local community if I'm honest. I know my neighbours, shout hello across the street and I'm a Northerner, so it's what we do. I go to the pub and discuss things like this half cut... but if you look back at the 1600's, people in England were issued huge knives for protection by the government. This was actually a thing... and the biggest fear they had at that point in time? THE YOUTH ARE RUNNING WILD.

It's always been like that, places just become safer over time. I dunno if it's due to the specialisation of skills people employ in the workplace now or what even is the real reason, we just don't get honest feedback about this stuff from the media.

Anyway sorry for the rant, I'm just annoyed that to think of yourself as proud to be British, wanting the best for your family, friends, then your community and country before anybody else is somehow racist these days.

If you've suffered the bollocks of feeling annoyance through reddits leftwing bias (which is relaxed in this sub - thank god), listen to this...


It'll make you feel proud.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - jpost.com