Police of Reddit : What is the craziest thing you found while searching someone's house/bag ?

The craziest thing I have found is probably some of the shit homeless people carry on them.

Now I know I shouldn't stereotype homeless people since they are struggling, however, if you have seen some of this shit you'd start thinking all of them are carrying something odd on them. Here are 3 things that stand out:

  1. It's a cold Colorado day, and I am stopping a homeless guy smoking weed in a public place, (it's cold so I saw the smoke). Illegal but not a big deal just tell him to be on his way. The contact starts and the first thing out of this guys mouth is damnit I had my lucky charm on me I thought today was gonna be good. He then proceeds to pull out a rotting human toe from his pocket. I asked him where did he get that. He said it was his buddies and he didn't mind. Yeah I'm sure the rest can be figured out but that was weird

  2. Not much to say this homeless lady had a tied in her pocket I almost squished on a frisk. We thought she had meth. She did turn out to have meth

  3. Lastly this homeless guy I see a lot had a wad of chewed gum in his trousers. This thing had the diameter of a baseball. It was like a cum box but instead of a box it's a wad and instead of gun it was chewed gum probably a years worth. Gross and weird.

Don't fuck with the homeless you never know what's on them.

/r/AskReddit Thread