Police have used anti-terrorism powers to detain UK volunteers taking aid to Calais refugee camp

Highest rate post from the dicussion on this in r/Europe:

Also Calais is full of economic migrants only, they shouldn't be receiving any sort of aid

Highest rated post from the dicussion on this in r/worldnews:

Refugees? They're fucking migrants mostly from peaceful African countries. All you have to do these days to be called a "refugee" is be non-white and illegally enter a country.

Highest rated post from the dicussion on this in r/unitedkingdom:

Seems like a perfect cover to me. Pretend to be involved in an aid group, so you can get to interact with whoever the baddies are that are pretending to be migrants waiting to get in. Keep them well fed and watered, provide them with information etc Makes sense that you'd check these folk out, make sure they're all genuine folk.

I'm a regular immigrant on a work visa in a northern Europe country, white, even in still to feel threatened by how strong the anti-immigrant rhetoric is getting.

I think "economic migrant" is used to dismiss people in the same way "hypochondriac" is, when I was very sick I was often turned away and not listened to which just meant I got sicker - those doctors I'm sure they still think I was a 'just a hypochondriac'. If someone is trying to leave conditions where they can't afford food and shelter, where these a lot of violent crime, like most of these commentors would if they were in the same situation and had the means, suddenly they're a digusting "economic migrant".

Here is Norway recently there was an issue where the Russian government was telling refugees who had gotten residence in Russian that if they go to Norway they'll get treated better, and given all the talk online and in the media and how refugees in Norway just get given stuff, they belived it (which really backfired for the people just making up shit about how good refugees have it). Once they got here most of them were denied refugee status Norway and sent back, not to Russia (having lost their residence card by leaving), but to their original home countries... I think this is a tragic story of desperate people being lied to and mislead, but most Norwegians seems to be taking it as "haha yeah greedy immigrants got what's coming to them".

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Link - independent.co.uk