#PoliceLivesMatter March in Texas - Thousands Show Up to Support Officers

I think your best bet in pushing your viewpoint is to be empathetic in approach.

You need to understand that the cops are the target of a propaganda war by the democrats and their media stooges. you have to understand that the republicans dont do a damn thing to counter this publicly.

now, if the politicians who control the line cops' pay, his hiring and firing, his image in the media, the amount of jail time he gets if they decide a two minute hate is necessary for minority votes, etc etc...if these politicians are violating the law in the way that they command the police to act, then shouldn't your ire be at those politicians?

You will get a better response if you don't attack the police for making it from day to day.

Do what I do...I look at the cases of public controversy, and see that 90% of the time the media lies through it's teeth on these cases. While I don't think that police SHOULD enforce mala prohibita law, I support them for the things they do right.

I've been convincing people about the democrats and their media stooges' war on cops for about 2 years now, but the idea has just been recently accpted by more people, probably due to the way the democong handled Baltimore and as a residual consideration of Ferguson.

But I never stop pointing out those lies, and I try to interject the politicians' actions into the discussion. Do you think that cops would have better relations with people as a whole if the politicians weren't stabbing them in the back? Do you think criminals would hold back more often if politicians weren't making excuses for them?

Maybe enough people will clue in enough to support the cops, when and if enough cops clue in enough to enforce the law against the politicians.

Which the cops will not do if they are constantly portrayed as the bad guys.

/r/ProtectAndServe Thread Parent Link - anongalactic.com